For the past 2 years, Storvik has worked in the network project Action Now, which is all about sustainability. On 14 February, the collaboration was crowned with a sustainability conference for businesses and the public sector in our region. KNN, SpareBank1 Nordmøre and KBK joined forces for the event, and worked out a solid program with a focus on sustainability. The topics ranged from what is happening in sustainability strategies in the big picture, right down to the concrete examples of how to prioritize and carry out profitable sustainability work in your own organisation. The Action Now work was made visible in one of the presentations at the conference, by Hilde Løseth Modell in BDO.
The highly regarded Lise Klaveness, President of the Norwegian Football Association, was one of the speakers and she gave an inspiring speech that we will take with us on the way forward towards a more sustainable organisation.